Legal Services
for your business
Lawyers that understand business. We help you incorporate, get investment, and draft contracts so you can focus on growing your business
For all types of legal work
Upfront pricing and milestone based payments.
Contract Creation
Easy-to-create documents of just about anything you need
Why choose Digest?
Secured Payment
We secure your money through an escrow.
Pay only once the work is done.
Pay only once the work is done.
Verified Lawyers
We have licensed professionals with
experience in various fields of law.
experience in various fields of law.
Transparent Pricing
We are upfront with our fees. Choose from
fixed rate services or customize your own.
fixed rate services or customize your own.
Fast Service
We match you with a lawyer within
three (3) days.
three (3) days.
How our
Legal Services work
1 2 3
Choose your desired legal service
Pay the professional fees
Lawyer does the work
Top Services
AIC Grande Tower Garnet Road
Ortigas Center, Pasig City
Metro Manila Philippines
Mobile No. +639451244898
Please read our FAQ before contacting us.